Thursday, January 3, 2013

Post from HBR on why business matters

Well.  They don't actually say why business matters so much as they baldly assert that it's the only thing that does matter.  Actually, from a philosophical viewpoint, there is a lot to scratch your head about in this article, but it's still thought-provoking, so read it.  (Their actual goal is marketing for business school students, I suppose.)

The business world is kind of strange, really.  As a more engineering kind of guy I can't help but be astonished at their self-important gushing, but then on the other hand, as the kind of guy who wishes he had more money, I can't deny that they have most of it.  I can't think of anything better than to automate their jobs out from under them.  (Yeah, I know it's already happening no matter what I do.)

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